Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Take 1

Tonight marks the beginning of something big for me. After days and days of trying to figure out how to kick start this blog, I’m here, on the couch, with a full belly, listening to the clanging and clinking of Eric dealing with a kitchen mess that is the equivalent in kitchen messes to the Katrina aftermath. If you know me, you know what I’m saying.

On the menu tonight was Won Ton soup, Peanut butter dumplings made with organic chicken & ginger, Steak with a citrus soy glaze (my secret recipe) topped with Enoki mushrooms, Shitake mushrooms, steamed rice and braised chinese cabbage "steaks". Best part was the carmalized banana and chocolate egg roll surprise for dessert. You should have seen Eric’s confused face as it turned to complete bliss. Our dinner guest asked me to “leave him alone with his spring roll for a few minutes...”. I have a banana allergy (a banallergy?), so I didn’t take part, but the guys seemed to REALLY enjoy them.

Now, down to biz. The purpose of this blog. Really, it’s to talk almost exclusively about food, and to share eating experiences in restaurants here in Montreal and abroad (when I’m fortunate enough to be traveling). I’ll go to ridiculous extremes researching and plotting my every bite through every city I visit. I’ve found that in most hotels, asking the concierge for a restaurant recommendation is out of the question - most locals are far more reliable. On a recent trip to Rome, the concierge had never heard of the restaurant we were headed to, and it was one of the coolest spots and best meals of the trip.

I'll try to give you the highlights and lowlights of our eating experiences from anywhere interesting. And I promise that any place discussed here is either foolproof delicious, or downright disgraceful.

I use the internet as my travel resource for everything: reviews of hotels, cars, boats, specific airplane seats, itinerary mapping, and of course, restaurants. To add my comments to a foodie forum (like chowhound), makes me feel like a tiny fish in a big big sea of complainers and promoters. So I’ll use this space to rant and rave, where its a bit more focused. I know I’ll earn your trust, and help you make good decisions about food: where to shop for it, look at it, taste it, savour it or avoid it.

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